
Dealing With Physical Pain: How to Reclaim Your Power

1361admin April 28, 2016 0 comments 21

Your pain, your illness, your present discomfort, is nothing to be ashamed of. It is not a sign of your failure, nor a punishment, nor a test, nor even ‘bad luck’…… It is neither meaningless nor the meaning of your life. But it does contain great intelligence, and healing power. If you know where, and how, to look. “Pain is…

How to Deepen Your Yoga Practice

1361admin April 28, 2016 0 comments 6

Manda explores what deepening our yoga practice (or Sadhana) entails, reflecting on her own journey and seeking insight from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. Definitions Deepen to become, or to cause something to become, stronger or more powerful to make something fuller or more complete Sadhana conscious spiritual practice The focus on the physical Yoga is an internal practice the rest is…